
Tuesday, October 1, 2013


For Halloween, I borrowed the idea of making a junk pumpkin rather than carving it.  Disney Family Magazine... you are my inspiration!  Worth every penny.  

I raided Grandad's garage the week prior and our garage the Night of the Creating.  It was SUPER fun!  My kids loved pounding stuff into the pumpkins WAY more than carving and scooping out the guts.  No one got hurt and I wasn't worried someone would saw off a finger by mistake.

My youngest entered his in his school's Fall Ball Pumpkin Contest and won for his grade!!    His pumpkin was an alien/scared person pumpkin.

My oldest decided his needed a mustache and by the time he was done, we referred to him as the Mr. Pringles Pumpkin.

This is something we will definitely do again next year!

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