
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Pirate Party (3 of 3)

I found some more pictures for you Pirate-loving party planners!

At our kids Pirate Party, we had a coloring activity to occupy the little pirates.  I found these at Joanne Fabrics in their $1 section.  I had them on one of the tables with a bucket of markers for the kids to color.  Unfortunately, the kids were preoccupied with dart guns and cupcakes, so these were never done.  Now I'm saving them for a rainy day project.

The contents of the loot bags - balloons, a map/activity sheet, eye patches, rings, coins, money, tattoos, a whistle, a finger puppet and a mini telescope.  Most of this came from a party store kit, but I threw in some other goodies for good measure.

Here are the sashes I made.  They are just 42" red fabric torn on the boas and left ragged for a more authentic look.  It was long enough for all the kids - big and small.

For more pictures and ideas, see part 1 and part 2!

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